— What we do
About Us
Our whole story at Heartlands is all about love and hope …
love for what we do and the love we have for the little children entrusted in our care …
and hope in giving back their “birth right to belong”.
From our humble beginnings in 2015, we continue to step in and respond to the needs of little vulnerable children affected by poverty, alcoholism, drug addiction, unwanted pregnancies and child abuse and other social problems, which continue to devastate the communities in which we work.
As each child enters our facility, our steadfast commitment is to ensure that the child is effectively cared for and prepared for discharge back into the community as soon as possible either through reunification with their parents or family members, placed in foster care, transferred to other long-term facilities or adopted. While this ultimately leads to better long-term care for the child, it also permits Heartlands to use the residential facility to its maximum potential, thus ensuring a regular turnover of beds, and allowing us to provide specialised care and support to premature, new-born, small babies and children up to 6 years who are in desperate need of care and protection.
As part of our efforts the care is offered by a multidisciplinary team that extends across the full spectrum to address the psychosocial, medical, physical and developmental needs of the child. The Child Care Centre is staffed with four teams comprising of a staff nurse and four child and youth care workers on a 24-hour shift basis. A HealthCare Supervisor assisted by a voluntary medical doctor supervises all medical procedures and is on call for emergencies at night and weekends.