Heartlands Baby Sanctuary

Grantee Video - Heartlands Baby Sanctuary

Heartlands on Expresso

Within this segment of care in the Western Cape, there is a considerable shortage of temporary residential facilities caring for children under the age of six suffering at the hands of abuse so, on the 4th May 2015, Heartlands Baby Sanctuary was born.
It is important to note that a child who has special needs due to physical, emotional or health reasons requires distinct attention and care, thus health, psychosocial and ECD programmes form the 3 key pillars of our services. Addressing health and education leads to Heartlands being recognized as a flagship programme.
Heartlands also offers parents the Mother’s Room where they can receive training in order to be better equipped in caring for their children when back at home or out of a hospital environment. This is a key step in the process of rehabilitation and integration back into the community.
Heartlands Baby Sanctuary’s aspirations are to continue providing high-quality temporary residential care and support to at-risk children and their families through a holistic, multidisciplinary team approach.